CVC Scramble Worksheets

CVC Scramble Worksheets
Through Our CVC Word Worksheet you can help your your pupils develop their knowledge of letters and sounds.
Pupils will say the object pictured, look at the letters and write them in the correct order.
Alternatively, have Pupils make the CVC words with magnetic letters or letter blocks.
Reading and spelling of CVC words are two key skills to learn for early readers. These important phonic skills reinforce spelling patterns of CVC words, and encourage students to blend and segment onsets and rimes of single syllable words.
When young readers are ready to tackle putting together their very first words, the simplest way to begin is with CVC words. It’s an exciting time when students make the transition from recognizing and identifying letters and associating those letters with unique sounds to sounding out simple words. I wanted to share some of my favorite CVC activities.
Samples From the Book

English Created Resources prides itself on providing everything a learner needs to improve the level of English. Our website aims to provide all the required materials for English Language Teachers and Learners to help them master and improve their English, help their pupils master all the required skills.
Such materials are provided for free download to be available always for learners around the world. You can find English ESL worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning and English classes.
Such worksheets can be used either in classroom or at home.
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